how to get rid of cricket noise at night

How To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of crickets chirping in the night! While this might be a beautiful sound to some, it can be incredibly annoying if you’re trying to sleep. If you’re looking for how to get rid of cricket noise at night, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we will discuss several methods that you can use to make your bedroom cricket-free!

What Are Crickets?

how to ghet rid of cricket noise at night

Crickets are small, nocturnal insects best known for their musical chirping. There are more than 900 species of cricket, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Crickets are relatively simple creatures, and their diet consists mainly of plants and other small insects. Some species of cricket are pests, while others like house crickets are kept as pets.

In China, Cricket fighting is a popular gambling sport. The insects are placed in a small arena and encouraged to fight to the death. Cricket fighting often takes place during the Lunar New Year, and it is believed to bring good luck.

Types Of Crickets

There are three main types of cricket that you might find in your home: house crickets, camel crickets, and mole crickets.

1. House Crickets

They are the most common type of cricket found indoors. House crickets are about ¾ of an inch long and have light-colored bodies with three dark bands on their heads. They are attracted to bright lights and often enter homes through open doors or windows.

2. Camel Crickets

These are also known as cave crickets, are slightly larger than house crickets, and have dark-colored bodies. Camel crickets do not chirp, and they are often found in basements or other dark, damp areas of the home.

3. Mole Crickets

These are the largest type of cricket and can grow up to three inches long. They get their name from their burrowing habits and their mole-like appearance. Mole crickets are found in lawns and gardens, where they feed on plant roots and insects.

Why Do Crickets Make Noise?

Have you ever wondered why crickets make noise? Though it may seem like a simple question, there is actually a lot of science behind chirping crickets. To understand why crickets chirp, we first need to look closely at their anatomy.

Crickets have two long, thin wings that are covered in tiny hairs. These hairs are responsible for producing sound. When a cricket rubs its wings together, the hairs vibrate and make a characteristic chirping noise.

So why do crickets rub their wings together?

1. To Attract Mates

Scientists believe that only male crickets use their chirping noise to attract mates. The sound produced by the cricket’s wings is unique to each individual, and female crickets are thought to use this sound to identify potential mates.

2. As A Warning

In addition, the cricket’s chirp can also be used to ward off cricket predators or rivals. By making noise, the cricket makes itself known to potential predators and gives them a chance to escape before they are eaten.

Thus, the next time you hear a cricket’s chorus, remember that there is more to their song than meets the ear. The cricket’s chirp is an essential part of their survival strategy, and it is also a reminder of the simple beauty of nature.

As you can see, there are a few reasons why crickets make noise. Now let’s move on to discuss how to get rid of cricket noise at night.

how to get rid of cricket noise at night

How To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night?

If you’re trying to sleep but the cricket’s chorus is keeping you awake, there are a few tips on how to get rid of cricket noise at night and get a good night’s sleep.

1. Find The Source

The first step is to identify where the crickets are coming from. Crickets typically like to hide in dark, moist places. Look for them in your basement, garage, or near any water source in your home. Once you’ve found the source of the cricket infestation, you can begin to take steps to get rid of them.

2. Inspect Your Home

Inspect your window and door screens for holes or tears. Repair any damage to keep crickets from entering your home.

3. Set A Trap

If you have an indoor cricket problem, place a sticky cricket trap near where the noise is coming from. These traps will help to catch and remove the crickets from your home.

4. Remove Food Sources

Outdoor cricket problems can often be resolved by removing potential food sources from around your home. Keep lawns mowed and trim trees and bushes to discourage crickets from taking up residence near your home and competing with nature sounds.

5. Use Insecticide

Another approach to deterring outdoor crickets is to use a commercial insecticide around the perimeter of your home. There are a variety of different insecticides available on the market, and you can find one that is specifically designed to kill crickets.

When using insecticide, be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully. Some insecticides can be harmful to humans if they are not used properly.

6. Make Your Spray

You can also make your own spray by mixing water with dish soap and vinegar. This natural repellent will help keep crickets away from your home without harming plants or animals.

7. Contact Pest Control

If you have a persistent cricket problem, you may need to contact a pest control professional for assistance. Pest control experts can identify the source of your cricket infestation and take steps to remove them from your home.

8. Get A Pet

Another tip on how to get rid of cricket noise at night is to get a pet. Dogs and cats are natural predators of crickets and can help to keep them away from your home.

9. Try A Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

If you want to get rid of crickets without using chemicals, you can try an ultrasonic pest repeller. These devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are designed to deter pests. Simply plug the device into an outlet, and it will begin to work immediately.

While ultrasonic pest repellers are safe to use around humans and pets, they may not be effective at getting rid of all types of pests. If you have a persistent cricket problem, you may need to try a different method.

10. Seal Up Your Home

One of the best ways to prevent cricket noises at night is to seal up your home. Look for cracks and holes in your foundation, and seal them with caulk or expanding foam. This will help to keep crickets from getting into your home in the first place.

Sealing up your home is also a good way to prevent other pests from getting inside.

how to get rid of cricket noise at night


In conclusion, there are a few things that you can do to get rid of cricket noise at night. Try to find the source of the noise and take steps to remove the crickets from your home. If you have a persistent problem, you may need to contact a pest control professional for assistance.